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An Actor's Dream Team

"You can dream, create, design and build the most wonderful place in the world. But it requires people to make the dream a reality." -Walt Disney

I've never been much of one for giving great advice; generally I just tend to be a good listening ear when people need it; and honestly, that's usually all they need. People generally know what is the right decision without feedback, but they need to hear themselves saying it. When someone gives advice then they're just saying what they already know, In a different way, showing an alternate perspective or opinion.

Now when someone asks for someone to help them with a problem because they're more knowledgeable or experienced; that is called guidance.

Either way, speaking to peers and mentors is extremely important in the life of an artist; Art is for people, when other people help you shape it then you can diversify your project, develop the idea and fine tune it into the final outcome.

Take a TV show for example: No one can put together an entire TV show on their own. (At least not a good one) It takes a team; writers, actors, directors, producers, gaffers, etc, etc, etc! Movies are the same thing, It takes a team MONTHS to put together a feature-length movie, can you imagine that being done by one person? Even books, while written by one author usually has to go through the process of editing, publishing, advertising and so on...

A team will make things easier; someone to bounce ideas off of, someone who tells you when your ideas are bad and where you need improvement; so you can be better. So as an actor, who do you need on your team?



Their whole job is to get you in the door of those casting sessions, and their goal is get you booked in a big gig so they can take their much deserved 15%; that being said, when you're researching an agent you shouldn't be going with an agent who asks for money right off the bat, agents don't get paid till the actor gets paid. (That keeps it a symbiotic relationship rather than a parasitic one)

You should keep in constant communication with your agent, not too much too annoy them or anything but at least once a week to check in and get to know each other a bit. Your agent should know what you like and what you're capable of so they can know what to send you out for and things you might be interested in that may challenge you.


More often than not (At least starting off), this is you. If you do get someone else however, then you need someone who knows you well and knows social media well. Your face is your paintbrush and the screen is your canvas; the bigger your audience then the bigger your palate, more fans means more people who want to see you in more stuff! When you're in high demand, that's the best time to get work, Acting is a lot in who you know, so networking is essential! This you'd want to get rolling:

  • Headshots (2 at least)

  • Website

  • Demo

  • Facebook Page

  • Instagram

  • Twitter

  • YouTube Channel

So find someone who knows how to paint you in the best light, while staying true to your brand.


Friends, family, therapists; anyone who's going to build you up & support you. Generally there's 3 types.

-Confidence Boosters/Exponents: The people who cheer you on, support you no matter what; ie. Fans!

-Realists: These people are a little more level headed; they help keep you grounded and remember your roots. You don't wan't to fly too close to the sun and stop training yourself and fine-tuning your craft.

-Mentors: The one with experience; pushes you to be better and challenge yourself but knows your limitations. They're the ones you go to to run stuff by, when you're stuck creatively, morally or even legally (eg. Lawyers)


Okay, so this doesn't have to be so much as a person as a habit; going back to networking and adding in constant training and research. This is reading books on acting and creating methods and ways to keep a consistent creative workflow; not just books though! Blogs, acting classes, sketch shows, improv shows, stand-up, even television shows! Viewing can be learning too as long as you don't let yourself zone-out.


Humans are social creatures, and since actors can't survive without an audience then it only makes sense you should be surrounding yourselves with people and new things to keep your brain active while keeping you moving along your path to the silver screen!

Do you agree? Have any suggestions on anyone else an actor or artist should have on their team? Comments below! And don't forget to like my Thoughts from Jimmy Facebook Page!

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